Music Mondays- Where Can I Go by Ellie Holcomb

Jesus knows all about us,. He knows where we have been, where we are, and where we are going, He knows our failures. He knows us better than wee know ourselves. Yet, he loves us. He loves us so deeply that he gave hi s life for us on the cross

Ellie Holcomb was the opening act for Lauren Daigle this past Friday and when I heard this song, I knew I wanted to share it. May it bless you today.

Thankyou for reading. God Bless.

Happy Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day here in America. So many wonderful moms follow my blog and I have had the privilege of meeting some in Zoom and one in person. I enjoy reading their blogs and have been encouraged in my faith by them.

Photo by Pixabay on

So my post today is to simply wish the moms who read my blog today a Happy and Blessed Mother’s Day. May this day and each day bring you blessings. It is your love for your children that make such a big difference in their lives. I would like to encourage you with a thought today. Jesus had a mom so he appreciates moms.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

Wow- Lauren Daigle in Concert

It was beyond wonderful. Perhaps the best concert I have ever been to. Lauren Daigle, my favorite singer, provided a concert in my city last night. I had bought the tickets last fall for cheap seats high up in the nose bleed section, but thanks to using a walker and wearing a brace on my leg, my friend Todd and I were blessed to switch to club seating for handicapped seating free of charge.

The concert ran the gambit of songs and emotions. There were worship songs, her popular songs, messages about Jesus, and fun moments as well. There were brass instruments, a band, back up singers. It was like a celebration of Jesus.

She did one thing that I had never seen a music star do, She sat in a circle with her back up singers and guitar player. She sang a few songs and then the back up singers each sang a song with Lauren singing back up to them. That impressed me.

Ellie Holcomb was the opening performer and she was awesome too. She came back out and sang a song with Lauren.

God is in the details even the small ones. Todd dropped me off and went to park his car. He got a spot close to the arena, so after the concert, I only had to “walk” one block.

It was an evening I really needed after two months of two surgeries and recovering.

If I ever have a chance to go to another Lauren Daigle concert, I definitely will. Today I am relaxing at home. What is your Saturday about?

Thank you for reading. God Bless.


Do I ever have that old Beatles song in my mind today- Get By With A Little Help From My Friends. I have truly been blessed by so many people, friends from church, friends from New Breath the Ukrainian church, and fellow bloggers.

Photo by George Dolgikh on

I shared an Amazon wish list and within two days it was fulfilled. People have given me rides to physical therapy, the doctor, to teach, and to church. I have even received a few donations to help with medical bills. All of these things have been a blessing and so running through my mind all day yesterday today is-Get By With A Little Help From My Friends.

So this is a short post to say THANK YOU. THANK YOU for prayers, support, and encouragement.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

Music Mondays- One of A Kind by Iveth Luna

There is no one like Jesus. He left heaven to be born as a human baby, He healed people and did many miracles during his earthly ministry. He showed us what God is truly like and heals wounded souls.

He allowed himself to be crucified to die to pay the penalty for sins on our behalf. He defeated death for us. He shares his victory with us and grants us eternal life.

He is always with us and will never leave us.

Truly there is no one like Jesus. He is the ultimate one of a kind.

And to top it off, he gifts us and empowers us. We are created in his image.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

One Year Anniversary of Jesus Understands Trauma

On May 19th, it will be my privilege to share at my church about how Jesus partners with us in our healing journey from trauma. It has been one year since my book Jesus Understands Trauma was first published on Amazon. The biggest blessing for me is to see people be blessed and helped by my book.

I still remember feeling a bit of hesitation right before publishing it due to feeling led to share things thus being vulnerable. But the theme of 2nd Corinthians 1:3-5 motivated me- comfort others with the comfort we have received.

My desire is to see more people be comforted by God in their healing journey. That is why a excited about May 19th.

In celebration of the one year anniversary of Jesus Understands Trauma and in observance of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I am offering a sale, $1 off, on both Jesus Understands Trauma and Lifted Out of the Pit/Called to the Nations both the paperback and Kindle versions for both.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

Thankful For Friends

I guess I needed that. I just woke up at noon today, Sleep is good for recovery from surgery. I might even take a nap today. Recovery is slow this time, Walking even with a walker is harder than after the first surgery.

But something to look forward to tomorrow is church in the morning. I think I will skip the walker and use crutches tomorrow and not put any weight on my right leg. Tomorrow morning will bring a new opportunity for ministry.

I will offer a class May 19th on how Jesus partners with us in our healing journey from trauma, Tomorrow morning a short video will be shown of my talking about the class. Between services, I will sit at a table with the counseling pastor from my church to answer questions.

I would like to go to the Ukrainian church too, but will decide that after my church in the morning.

Jesus has certainly blessed me through friends these past few months. Friends have given me rides to physical therapy and doctors appointments, brought food, taken me to the store, and taken me to church. They have also taken me to go to the college to teach. One friend even helped me clean my apartment.

How comforting it is to know that Jesus calls us friend when we come to trust in him as our Savior. He is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I shared an Amazon wish list with my friends. Matt’s Recovery. Thought I would share here too. Please pray it is fulfilled. A few of the items I realized I would need this time, a few the surgeon suggested, and a few are just for my comfort.

I so appreciate all of the encouraging comments and prayers from my fellow bloggers. This all began March 11th with the first surgery. The recovery time for this recent one is minimum six weeks. Looks like I will be depending on friends longer than I thought.

At home, able to blog, will listen to worship music and try to read. That is my Saturday. How is your Saturday?

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

Story Time-Injecting You With I Don’t Care

When the anesthesiologist came to see me before surgery, he told me, “first I am going to inject you with I don’t care,,” That was in reference to being sedated. Sure enough, I didn’t stress after he injected me and in fact, perhaps embarrassingly so, told my surgeon a joke before they put me under. It was a clean joke, a dad joke, but perhaps should remain a mystery.

In the afternoon, as I reflected on it, I thought about how, sure I did not stress after the sedation, but the sedation was temporary. It wore off after surgery. Such is the case for any medication. It will fade if not retaken or given again. The same is true for illegal drugs.

In contrast, Jesus promised us something better in John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Paul wrote of the peace Jesus gives in Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We can have the peace in our spirits that Jesus gives even in the midst of turmoil. The peace of knowing that whatever happens in this life, we are his forever if we trust in Jesus. The peace of knowing he is with us in every situation in life. The peace of knowing he will cause all things to work together for good for those who know him as Romans 8:28 says.

Today I am staying home and relaxing but trying to blog through the fuzziness of pain meds. How is your day?

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

S day

Woke up 4am to get ready to go check in at 5:15am for my surgery. I am told I will be going home today around 11am. So here we go again.

My friend Alekseyi will take me there and back home. I have things set up here to hunker down for a few days. My surgeon referred to it as a long weekend at home. I plan to be at church Sunday morning to be at a table in the lobby to answer questions about the class I will teach May 19th about Jesus partnering with us in the healing journey from trauma.

So here we go again. 2nd surgery in seven weeks. I feel like I should qualify for frequent flyer miles or something. 🙂

What will your day bring?

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month- Jesus Understands Turmoil

Each year, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. In a way, I don’t like to term Mental Health because of stigma. The brain is part of our physical bodies, so just as one might struggle with asthma, another may struggle with depression, anxiety, etc.


Question- Do you think Jesus understands emotional issues?

On the night Jesus was arrested, he shared with his disciples in Matthew 26:

Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

We also know from Luke 22 that while he was praying he was filled with anguish.

 And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

Jesus experienced anguish and sorrow while he was on earth. So when we come to him in prayer, we come to someone who understands our emotional state.

I admit to having some anguish because tomorrow is my second surgery on the same knee. I am not looking forward to what comes after.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.