A Sign of Progress with My Leg

Yesterday as I was teaching my Welcome Class for newcomer refugees, I realized something. I had been sitting normally for 30 minutes as in my right leg bending at 90 degrees like a person does while sitting. I did not have pain. I did not need to straighten my leg out.

Why was that significant? It was the first time since my first surgery March 11 that I have been able to do it. Of course later in the afternoon, physical therapy gave me a dose of reality, but when I shared with my Physical Therapist about it, he said it is a positive sign.

It may seem small to others, but for me it was huge. Small things can make a difference. It is all too easy to overlook them when we read about the awe inspiring miracles in the bible of Jesus healing people. I do believe Jesus still heals today. It may not have been a miracle, but for me it was huge to be able to sit normally again for the first time in four months.

I will keep doing the work in rehab because I want to travel again to share Jesus. If I get to the point that I no longer need the leg brace, the possibility will seem more real.

How was your week?

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

30 thoughts on “A Sign of Progress with My Leg

  1. This is bright news, indeed, brother Matt! Like you said, it’s a small step, but a big sign that God is still with you. My wife ended up in the hospital last weekend, so this week has been about getting her an appointment in the city with a pulmonologist, which we were about to do yesterday. We are going for a Saturday morning walk today—before it gets too hot. Our area has been under excessive heat warnings almost every day this week. 🙏God’s best to you—which I have no doubt He is providing. 🤗Blessings, brother!

  2. God is good, that is wonderful news Matt!! May God continue to heal you in Jesus name.

    My week was pressure, but God has given me the strength to pull through to today,


  3. I am so glad for your good news! My week has been okay, just trying to suffer through the heat wave and asking for his help to make it through each day with a mixture some days of the bitter and sweet!

  4. Brother Matt—this is wonderful news! Yay! It’s the small steps that are HUGE miracles—for it’s in those that we keep building our faith to go even further distances! Look at you! I KNOW the pain you have (and still endure). I’ve been there with you and have experienced these small miracles. I’m proud of you—God is working miracles, but you’ve got grit! God bless you, brother! 🙏

  5. Awesome news. Matt, thank you for sharing your progress. You will eventually reach your goal. Jesus walks with you every day. My wife and I are praising the Lord as our oldest Ohio daughter continues to heal from surgery. We feel Christ’s presence here as well.

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