Story Time- Trying to Order Food in Brazil

I love Brazil and if it wasn’t for the COVID-19 virus, I would have made plans to visit there again in June. I love my Brazilian friends, the food in Brazil, the culture, and loved my two trips there.

Photo by Vinu00edcius Vieira ft on

During my first trip to Brazil in 2013, I tried to use Google translate to teach myself some phrases. I would type in a phrase in English and see the Portuguese translation. I would click on it to hear it and then practice it with my Brazilian friends.

My last few days I visited my friends in Belo Horizonte. I tried practicing Portuguese with them. One evening we went to a restaurant and my friends told me that I should order the food.

I looked at the server and wanted to say- “Estou aprendendo português e fazendo erros” – I am learning Portuguese and making mistakes. But what I said was- “Estou aprendendo português e fazendo arroz” – I am learning Portuguese and making rice. My friends laughed as the server looked at me confused. My friends told me what I said and I laughed.

When learning a language, mistakes are going to happen. When trying to communicate with other cultures it is easy for communication to not be clear.

Thankfully we do not need to worry about that when it comes to praying.

Photo by Pixabay on

When we pray, we can be confident God understands us. Romans 8 says:

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”

When we pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. He is our translator. He helps us to pray. Even if all we can do is groan and utter a few words, God understands us. We can also be relieved to know that God is the ultimate polyglot-a person who speaks several languages- because God knows every language spoken on earth.

So as we share our burdens, concerns, and worries with God during this time, we can be reassured that he understands us.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

32 thoughts on “Story Time- Trying to Order Food in Brazil

  1. The joy of prayer is that God understands us and listens to us and that the Holy Spirit guides us when we are overwhelmed and uncertain of how to pray. 🙏🏻🌈

  2. Thanks much for sharing my brother. Am grateful that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father in any language and he understands. What a great God we serve.

    Stay healthy and safe! Sending love and good energy your way

  3. Ahhhh absolutely one of my most favorite post of yours!!!! “Make rice😂😂😂” ..This reminds me of when I was in Mexico and a Hispanic family filled us up on authentic Mexican food and when they went around the table to offer more this American girl in our group tried to say in Spanish no thanks I’m too full but she ended up saying no thanks I’m too fat!”😂❤️

    And I got to tell you this is perfect timing because my daughter when I was helping her with schoolwork yesterday had just asked me about the word intercedes and I brought up that very verse to her but wasn’t able to explain it that well …I just read your post to her and love how you worded it! She gets it now!!

  4. Thanks for sharing this funny story about Brazil, Matt! And thanks for the thoughts on language barriers. We may speak so many different languages in the world, but in the end we are all human and can find things to relate to in each other.

  5. This is great! I don’t want to be inappropriate but I am reminded of a huge error I made in Germany. We lived there in the military for six years. I was still in the early stages there and trying to learn the language. One night after a military get-together, I was saying “Good Night!” to everyone. Finally a German friend told me I was NOT saying good night, but was saying “Good Naked.” Oh dear!!! I nearly died of embarrassment!! I loved your post, and love how good it is to know that God always understands us, and the Holy Spirit prays in words which cannot be uttered.

  6. I just love your story times and how you relate them to the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is indeed our transelator. Most of my deep prayers are just groans from deep within. God bless you.

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