A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Becoming A Pastor- Part 9- Where I Am Now

This is the final post in this series. Part 1 is A Decision and A Book. Part 2 is A Discovery and Downfall Begins. Part 3 is The Valley of Death. Part 4 is Recovery and Remembering That Book. Part 5 is Romania. Part 6 is Many Cultures and Beginning to Teach English. Part 7 is Ministry Begins and Grows. Part 8 is 2 Sides of Me Interwoven.

This final post is Where I Am Now.

So here I am now. After following the lead of Jesus for over 30 years, now I wonder what will happen next. Yes, I am 62, but God works through people into old age, but I am not old yet.

Photo by Artem Saranin on Pexels.com

Jesus led me on a journey, a path, where I have helped different ethnic churches, facilitated weekend groups at my church, been on ministry trips to France, Mexico and 2 to Brazil besides the ones to Romania, mentored a group of young people from Vietnam who are now young professionals, helped people from many countries study for the TOEFL TEST- a test for English proficiency, been in the homes of refugees and listened to their stories, and much more.

Jesus took me the son of an alcoholic father and mentally ill mother. Me the person who almost died and lost memory. Me the person who went through the ordeal of trying to piece life back together again.

Jesus took me and worked through me to bless people from all over the world.

A funny thing happened on my way to becoming a pastor. I became a tentmaking home missionary, a teacher, a mentor, a confidant, a writer, but I never became a pastor.

I have applied to be a local substitute teacher but never got certified because Jesus had me so busy with other endeavors. Will I become a sub? I don’t know yet.

My hope is to continue teaching English for at least 8 more years. My thinking is if I can talk, I can teach. My hope is also to continue to share the love of Jesus with people from diverse cultures until Jesus takes me home to heaven.

A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To Becoming A Pastor- I Never Did. Well at least not for Americans which was what I thought would happen when I first began the journey.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

30 thoughts on “A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Becoming A Pastor- Part 9- Where I Am Now

  1. Such an awesome journey and so many lives impacted for Jesus! Our visions may change but He always has the best in mind! Thank you for sharing your story, Matt! May God continue to bless your ministry richly!

  2. Matt, what a great testimony! It made me think of Jeremiah 29:11 (“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”)

      1. Yes I had mentioned last Saturday that we would be having family Christmas with Nathan’s sister from Omaha if you remember, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to make it to blogger chat or not yesterday because of this and obviously I wasn’t able to LOL but I definitely missed it!❤️

  3. Brother Matt…
    I enjoyed this series. You are a great inspiration of hope and light….and most definitely -love in this dark fallen grim world. May we draw some essence from you and seek to walk in His light always ..
    Love and hugs

  4. I really enjoyed hearing your story, even in such brevity. What struck me is that you have been a pastor throughout much of this and I think you are now – you pastor and minister the love of Jesus and meet the needs of the flock that Jesus gives to you. You might not have a piece of paper or the letters after your name, but you do the work where it is needed in the church of God. Bless you, Matt.

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