Keep Going?

I am writing as I am sitting at the church where New Breath Church meets on Sunday afternoons. The worship team is practicing and one of the songs is The Blessing in Ukrainian. I am looking forward to worship with my Ukrainian friends.

This morning in my Sunday morning group, a married couple from Cuba joined us for the first time. They came to Lincoln in February this year. They joined us for worship service after group. After worship service at my home church, my friend Luis took me to have lunch at a restaurant that serves pupusas a food from El Salvador.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

There are so many souls from other countries to reach in my city. But I am at a point of wondering if I can keep going. Medical Bills are mounting and I had a surprise finding out the woman who owned the apartment buildings where I live sold them and the new owner wants to raise rent to $900 a month. So I will look around.

The medical bills are my big concern. Well second after wondering if I will be able to walk normal again. I am grateful that one generous brother sent me a check for $250 a while back. So at the risk of bothering people, I think I will set up a Go Fund Me again to help with medical bills. If I do, I will share it Tuesday.

Please pray for me.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

9 thoughts on “Keep Going?

  1. In every trial there is a test that becomes a testimony, God has brought you a mighty long ways and will not fail you now.

    This was the word God gave me all last week to “keep going”! May He guide your steps onto the steps of your new home, and provide a way to clear your bills.

  2. I am saying prayers for you, Matt! Praying for the complete healing of your knee, for you to be able to walk normally, for God’s provision, and for you to feel God’s comfort and peace. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

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