Thankful For My Life Group

First off I am happy to say that in keeping with We Need To Protect The Children and canceling my Netflix due to Cuties exploiting 11 year old girls, yesterday I paid for my monthly donated Hero Band that will be given to a child freed from sex trafficking. A child will benefit from my money not Netflix.

Each Friday evening, it is a blessing for me to meet in Zoom with my Life Group from church. We are studying through the book of John in the bible. Each week we also pray together, share about life, and laugh as we share stories from our week.

Each week I manage to slip in that I am the youngest person in our group. Last night I referred to myself as the baby of the group and of course there were rolled eyes and laughs. 🙂

My city went up to red on the dial this week meaning severe risk for COVID, but COVID has not stopped our group from meeting. We have met every Friday evening in Zoom since March when COVID hit.

It is a blessing to fellowship with others and hopefully the vaccine will come soon and this pandemic will come to an end so we can meet in person again. Until then we can meet in Zoom.

What are you thankful for this week?

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

24 thoughts on “Thankful For My Life Group

  1. I’m thankful for a large group of family, friends, and pastors who pray for me and encourage me during this difficult time. I’m also thankful for daily reminders from God that I am not alone.

  2. I am thankful for many things but this morning am giving thanks for the gift of life, my family and by extension my WordPress family who never cease to drop a word of encouragement that helps to keep me going amidst the challenges of life. Blessings to you always my brother

  3. Hello 🙏🏾 Glad to hear you are in a zoom
    Life group. Being in communion eith brethren is so important, especially now with the current times 💐 Have a blessed weekend

  4. So glad you are continuing to meet and find encouragement through your group. I am grateful God has continued to protect our little town and our family in these perilous times.

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