Our Disappointments Can Lead to God Appointments

Sunday morning I got a ride to church with my young friend from El Salvador. He has been coming to my Sunday morning group since last summer. When difficult times hit, I have learned God is still at work around us. Sunday morning proved to be one of those times.

Photo by NOHK on Pexels.com

My friend is a shy person, but he is always willing to help his teacher and he enjoys learning. Sunday morning as I shared in my post When The Teacher Becomes The Student, I woke up Sunday morning happy after dreaming in Spanish. That prompted me to teach about how dream can either be what happens when we sleep or our hope for the future.

Normally I have six or seven people come, but this past Sunday my friend from El Salvador was the only one. When that happens, I wait to see what God wants to do because it often leads to something significant for the one person.

My young friend opened up for the first time with me about what happened to him. In El Salvador he was attacked by gang members trying to force him into a gang. His dream was to become a math teacher in his country. That led to a conversation and time of sharing with him.

I shared with him about how Jesus understands trauma and that he can pray to Jesus anytime knowing Jesus will understand. We talked about how his dream of becoming a math teacher is not over. We talked about how he could volunteer to help other Hispanic people with math while he improves his English.

We had lunch together at a pupusa truck and talked some more. He also stayed for worship service with me for the first time. Now I am thinking I should get my upcoming book Jesus Understands Trauma translated into Spanish.

Our disappointments, such as my van dying, can lead to God appointments if we seek God.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

28 thoughts on “Our Disappointments Can Lead to God Appointments

  1. Our disappointments can lead to divine appointments.
    This is gold, Matt.

    Running vehicle or not, God continues to use you for His purposes. πŸ™May he meet every needβ€”for His glory.

  2. “Our disappointments can lead to God appointments, IF we seek God.” Seems that your statement there is blessing many people, me included. And seems like your disappointments lately are being used by God to bless many. Blessings, Matt, as you walk a difficult path right now.

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