Real Neat Blog Award


Lydia of nominated me for The Real Neat Blog Award. I enjoy Lydia’s blog as she shares her faith, fun posts, and about life. She is a wonderful young lady. She joined me for the Zoom Bloggers chat last week and it was great to have her join. Thank you little sister for the nomination.

I know others have nominated for me other awards. I will try to catch up on some, but my focus of late has been on trying to write posts that might be of encouragement at this time. I appreciate all who nominate me and want to say thank you.


1. Display the blog award logo in your blog.
2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
3. Do not forget to link to their blogging website.
4. Answer all the questions they have given you.
5. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice.
6. Ask them 7 questions.

Lydia’s Questions for me

  1. What was/is your favorite school subject? Now it is languages. I teach English Second Language and also enjoy practicing Portuguese and Spanish.
  2. How often do you do something really weird that you regret? Every time I try to cook.
  3. In your opinion, what’s something you do that passes time really well? Listening to worship music is my favorite thing to pass time. I love going to coffee shops too but can’t at this time.
  4. Meat or veggie pizza? No pizza for me anymore because I found out I have Celiacs. I tried the gluten free ones but didn’t like them. In the past I liked most any pizza.
  5. Do you like lizards? I have never thought about it. I think it depends on what kind of lizard.
  6. Blue tooth, headphones, or earbuds? I like headphones because I can use them on international flights to listen as I watch a movie.
  7. What did you do for Easter this year? I watched my church’s Easter service online. I also listened to some worship music on youtube.

My nominees:









My Questions for my Nominees

  1. What do you find encouragement in during this time?
  2. Where do you want to go after the COVID-19 crisis is over?
  3. What do you enjoy blogging about?
  4. If you could vacation on the moon, would you?
  5. If you saw me in an airport, would you walk away, only say hi, or buy me lunch?
  6. If someone gives you a bag of your favorite snacks, do you have self control and eat a little each day or devour it all in one day?
  7. What is a book you recommend that you enjoyed during this time?

49 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award

  1. Congratulations big brother! It really sucks that cooking is not your thing especially this period when cooking at home is almost compulsory. I like the questions you presented to your nominees. Thank you for the nomination. 🥰

  2. Congratulations on the well deserved award and thanks for nominating me! I’ve had some gluten free pizza’s but I didn’t like that much either.

  3. Thank you for the nomination. I just receive a similar award, but I will respknd to yours because the questions are different and I like them. God bless you.

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