Story Time- Did Your Teacher Call You?

Severe weather season is here in the Midwest. I live in what is called tornado alley in the plains of the USA. My city has never had a big tornado, so people here do not stress about it.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

But a friend of mine from Brazil, who was an international student, would get so stressed out when a thunderstorm would come that she would call her mom in Brazil crying because she thought she was going to die. When she told me about this, I told her she only needed to worry if I called her to tell her to go to her basement. Otherwise there was nothing to worry about. She told her mom what I said.

Photo by Ralph W. lambrecht on

A few weeks later, a thunderstorm came into my city, not a severe one, just an average thunderstorm. She called her mom in Brazil crying and her mom said, “Did your teacher call you?” She said no, so her mom told her there was nothing to worry about.

It is a fond memory for me, but in her defense they don’t have tornadoes where she comes from. I had the benefit of living all of my life here and understanding what the various weather warnings mean and for where.

When we face difficulties in life, often we worry because of the unknown. Whether it is a medical diagnosis, the current COVID-19 crisis, what schools to apply for, car problems, etc the future is an unknown for us.

The good news is that Jesus knows the future. Jesus lived in this world and understands the problems we live with. Jesus said in John 16:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We don’t need to worry about knowing the future. We just need to know Jesus. He knows the future because he is already there.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

28 thoughts on “Story Time- Did Your Teacher Call You?

  1. Wonderful!!!
    Nope, my teacher hasn’t called me yet but I’m so thankful that our Rabboni continues to call each us by name 😉 and that’s He’s very familiar with our todays, our tomorrows and our eternities. 🙌🏽

  2. I can relate to living in Tornado Alley! Oklahoma has certainly had its share off deadly tornadoes! Yes, Jesus knows the future, so whom then shall I fear!

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