When God Surprises

Waking up yesterday before my alarm clock went off I took as a bad sign. I never like waking up before my alarm clock having never been a morning person. I woke up with some pain too. So I prayed and gave my day to Jesus. He blessed me with a series of surprises.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

He has been blessing me the past several days with being able to find a parking spot, actually my favorite one, closest to the school. That may not sound like much to you but living with chronic illness that is HUGE. Finding that parking spot turned my morning around right away.

In the afternoon, a fellow spoonie, someone with chronic illness, messaged me on Instagram. She asked if she could interview me live on Instagram. I agreed and we video chatted for about 10 minutes to talk about it. It will be Saturday at 1pm CST. We introduced ourselves to each other. I shared with her that I am in ministry as well as a teacher. Then I shared with her that Jesus understands pain because he experienced it. Then I asked if I could pray for her and she agreed. I have a new friend in Sweden now.

So the day was already a day of blessings but then the big surprise. A friend from church I had not talked with for months called me. He said he wanted to give me some money to help me with expenses due to my loss of income over the summer. I went over to his place in the evening. He gave me a check for $500. Jesus has carried me through a loss of $800 a month over 3 months in the midst of a pandemic. Each month Jesus has blessed me through his people.

So I wanted to share this post to thank Jesus and express my gratitude.

Oh and one more blessing- I did not burn my dinner. πŸ™‚

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

48 thoughts on “When God Surprises

  1. This is a blessed day, indeed! two questions – 1. Have you considered a handicap tag? I requested one from my doctor, and I don’t use it much…but on those bad days it is SO helpful especially in larger parking lots…and universities are so large! 2. Who can I follow on IG to be sure to catch this interview!?

  2. Ahh love these blessings!!!❀️
    So awesome that you got to share Jesus and pray with someone in Sweden and who knows who else’s life will be touched by that!!❀️

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