Our Attitude in Serving Jesus and Others

I have been reflecting on the unprofitable servant Jesus spoke of in Luke 17 as it relates to other truths Jesus revealed. I find it interesting Jesus would speak of unprofitable servants when in John 15 he says I no longer call you servants but call you friends. So how do these reconcile with each other?

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

In Luke 17, Jesus is not calling us servants. He is teaching about our attitude. The disciples had just asked him to increase their faith. In response Jesus taught about the faith of a mustard seed and doing great things. That is when he pivots to speaking of unprofitable servants.

Jesus is getting at our attitude by speaking of unprofitable servants in a parable. There have been countless people in the history of the church who Jesus has called to do wonderful things. What should our attitude be when Jesus calls us to do wonderful things?

No matter what we do in serving Jesus and others, we are only able to do so because Jesus empowers us through the Holy Spirit. The attitude Jesus is teaching through this parable is humility.

Our identity in Jesus is that of friend, child of God, royal priesthood and more. Out identity in Jesus is a gift from God not something we have earned just as our salvation is a gift from God not something we have earned which is why Ephesians 2:8-9 says:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Serving Jesus, following Jesus, is not anything we can boast or brag about. We should give glory and credit to Jesus out of humility and gratitude that he involves us in his work.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

30 thoughts on “Our Attitude in Serving Jesus and Others

      1. Amen! Matt, I sold my home and have a home I’m going to lease to be closer to the hospital, family, drs,…it’s all happening faster than my body can do. My mind keeps up with paperwork for a few hours. And then I drop. We have birthdays, scans (Dad and I), appts, and all the things that go with moving. You understand I know. It’s a lot right now. But as always, God is good and I trust him through this entire process. It’s not easy being alone and trying to navigate such big things at one time. I stop, count my blessings, and inhale and exhale the Spirit of Christ and his strength and love. May God bless you ~through it all! The weather, health, circumstances….we always have Jesus don’t we brother?

      2. Matt, one of my former pastors gathered some young men and my hiking tribe from Arkansas are all coming up to help! I don’t know what I’d do without them all! Have a beautiful and blessed Friday and weekend, brother! 🙏🏻

      3. Thank you, brother! It was a good weekend, how about you? I have wonderful worship friends and did take my time packing up some boxes. We are expecting 6-10 inches of snow tomorrow night. This will impact my scan scheduled for Wednesday and hopefully will not impact my moving weekend! God has it all! Stay blessed my brother! 😁

      4. Hello again, brother! Oh boy! What a cold, snowy, and icy move! I waited 5 days for internet, lol, and hopefully will be up and writing soon. Tomorrow I see a geneticist~I think it will be interesting! Wednesday is a big day! My scan! I’ll be excited to share with everyone! Prayers are appreciated! I’ll keep praying for you, brother!

      1. Life has stayed busy with helping one of our Ohio families. God continues to lead. I saw the end of the Ohio State vs. Nebraska mens basketball game last night. The Huskers found victory while the Bucks suffered their fifth loss in a row.

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